VTU SGPA Calculator

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Where do we need SGPA in our life?

  • Imagine a scenario where your result just got out and you want to tell your parents. But there is no unique way of explaining result other than explaining every subject marks or you can just average the marks. But VTU subjects have credits. More credits is equal to more grade points. It's easy for you to give a proper result analytics to other if you use SGPA. Guess what, we give temporary grade card containing SGPA with proof.
  • Scholorship and many entrance forms rely on student's SGPA / CGPA as a constraint.
  • Companies who comes for placement are also show higher intrest in student's CGPA. As they believe higher the CGPA, higher is the determination of the student.

Why do we need to calculate SGPA?

We all know that VTU follows CBCS scheme. It applies that VTU should measure student's performance as grade points rather than marks.

But problem arises when VTU doesn't give proper grade report for us to measure our overall performance in academics.

In VTU website, in annexure 3 of regulations they have provided a method for calculating our SGPA and CGPA.

Our VTU SGPA Calculator follows steps given in the official VTU documentation. We also give you a temorary grade card for your personal use.

How to calculate SGPA?

  • step 1: Get result from official vtu website or you can also visit here.
  • step 2: Convert marks of subjects into grades.
    Letter grade O A+ A B+ B C P F
    Outstanding Excellent Very Good Good Above Average Average Pass Fail
    Grade point 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 0
    % of marks 90-100 80-89 70-79 60-69 55-59 50-54 40-49 0-39
  • step 3: Calculate the total credits of all the subject
  • step 4: Multiply each subject grade points with it's credit points.
  • step 5: Divide the total sum of each multiplied grade points by total credits.
  • step 6: If you don't want to do these manual methods, we recommend you our vtu sgpa calculator

How to calculate SGPA : An Example for one semester exam

You can easily calculate using our vtu sgpa calculator, it's really easy. Try now!!

Below we have provided a example of how we are going to calculate by manual method you can use our sgpa calculator.

SemesterCourse CodeCreditsGradeGrade pointsCredit PointsSGPA, CGPA
IXX113B83 x 8 = 24SGPA = 101 / 20 = 5.05
IXX123Absent (F)03 x 0 = 00
IXX133A93 x 9 = 27
IXX143F03 x 0 = 00
IXX153D63 x 6 = 18
IXX161E53 x 5 = 05
IXX171A93 x 9 = 09
IXX182D63 x 6 = 12
IXX191D63 x 6 = 06
Total20 (14*)Total101
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